Inverness County Cares

Partners in Development

My Life is Full of Hope

By Stephen Katongo

I am Stephen Katongo, aged 14 and I have albinism. I am in grade seven and this year and will be writing my grade seven composite examination in October/November 2023. We are five in the family and I am the first born. My mother and father are so brown. At this time, I have come to understand that there are Albino persons, from both sides of my family.  From my mother’s side and my grandmother who is almost Albino.  The skin (white) and the eyes (poor vision) explain everything. From my father’s side I have two first cousins who are albinos and these two are at St Mary’s Special School. We four are together at School, namely myself Stephen, my sister Gift Katongo, my cousins Kennedy Mwila and Gift Mushili.

When I started my grade one at St Odilia Special School, my parents were complaining of transport and other school requisitions. I really felt bad but I never expressed anything. It was just burning within me, until when I was in grade three.  About that time my father’s sister come to our home and asked my father if I can be staying with her and my father agreed without hesitation. It was during that holiday that my aunt opted to get a transfer for me from St Odilia Special School to St Mary’s Special School, as it was much closer to where she lives. I was very happy.  Immediately, my sister, Gift, cried to go School.  She was young, and she insisted strongly. Sr Bibian, who come for us, gave a condition to my aunt that, “For any difficulty, she will be asked to return back home”. My sister, Gift, never cried up to this date and she is now in grade three. For the next term my two cousins I already mentioned already have joined.

My academic performance is good from the beginning and I always encourage my sister and cousins to work extra hard. After learning that Albinism is inherited, I said within myself that I SHOULD LIVE ABOVE AIBINISM. All the negatives from the society and other people, I never minded.  From time to time, I was sad and I visited my guidance teacher to ask about life and about my wellbeing. The first advice was self-acceptance and discipline. Secondly was having a vision and studying hard, lastly, was that every day I should set a goal. These are my principles. I started by passing good grades in class and joining the debate club. In 2021, I came Fourth; in 2022 I was third at zonal level. There was no competition at the district level. This year, I am participating in quizzes and paper presentation at district level. I am so happy that my paper was picked. I am among those who will represent the district, the only albino pupil. Surely, my life is full of hope. I have hope that I will excel and do better. What is within me is that I break the barrier of complaining and self-pity and pray that I meet people in my life who can help me step forward.

When Mr. John (MacInnis), Madam Charlotte and Betty Jane visited our school, I admired them. Listen to me, one day I want to be like John fixing window panes, one day I want to be like Betty Jane playing musical instruments, one day I want to be a teacher like Charlotte who was dedicated in teaching literacy (reading).MY LIFE IS FULL OF HOPE.

In the picture Stephen Katongo is wearing a Zambian flag after winning quiz questions and paper presentation in social studies on Sunday 26th March 2023. The flag is the sign of been a hero in the district under primary category.

Inverness County Cares (ICC) is a local charitable organization, founded in 2012 and based in Inverness County, NS, Canada. ICC works in partnership with, a Canadian charity, based in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Chalice provides guidance and assistance to help us provide a better life for the children at the Kawambwa schools. The Kawambwa Project involves supporting two schools for albino and visually impaired students, in Northern Zambia. Inverness County Cares always welcomes new members. Individuals who wish to donate, can use the donate button on our website When using E-transfer, please include your mailing address for CRA tax receipts and a thank you message.   E-transfer address:  [email protected] or send a cheque to Inverness County Cares, 5414 Route 19, Judique, NS, Canada, B0E1P0. Taxation receipts provided for USA and Canada.

Stephen in back, his sister Gift Katongo (middle) Kennedy Mwila (right), Gift Mushili(left)

Celebrating the New Wall Fence

The following is an account of the jubilant celebration marking the building of a security wall around the St Odilia School in Mporokoso, Zambia.

By Sister Agnes Bwalya, site director

Since 1962 when the St Odilia school was built, it was vulnerable to trespassers on the school grounds. This posed dangers to the visually impaired children who were, knocked down by bicycles and careless members of the community. It resulted in theft and vandalism from the school properties and the children’s few treasured possessions. Most alarming was the fear of abduction for the purpose of ritual killing and child abuse. This terrible practice is still common in Sub Saharan Africa and in Zambian society and especially concerning to children living with albinism and blindness. This foot and vehicular traffic through the school grounds also caused disruption to the school classes. Constructing a wall fence was not an easy job, it took the efforts of Inverness County Cares (ICC) donors and the Chalice team who visited Kawambwa site in January 2020. The ICC team, John MacInnis, Charlotte Rankin, and Betty Jane Cameron, identified many areas where help was needed, but the wall fence was given the first priority. Construction of the wall fence at St Odilia Special school has now guaranteed parents the safety of their children. The children can now concentrate on their studies. Thank you so much ICC donors for putting a smile on our face. The wall fence is an assurance that visually impaired children are safe and they can learn, free of fear of abduction. May the Almighty God richly bless you all and give you good health. During the official opening of the wall fence, a mass was celebrated, there were performances by the children and speeches by guests thanking Chalice and ICC.

Bishop Emeritus, A. A. Chisha

On behalf of the entire community, I would love to express my heartfelt thanks for this wonderful gesture of constructing a school wall fence. We really appreciate the wall fence which is an assurance that visually impaired children are safe and they can learn with a free mind. May all the saints and angels continue protecting and blessing you. We love you.

Sr. Auxilia Mwansa, Representative from the Sisters of the Child Jesus

The congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus, are very grateful for this generous gesture. Chalice and ICC have contributed to our charisma of being ‘Apostles to our own people’. May the good Lord continue blessing them as well as their families.

Mr Yamba Yamba, District Education Board Officer- Representative from the Ministry Of Education

The Ministry of Education, is thankful for the donation of the wall fence. We know very well that our disabled children are always at risk and the government is always worried about their safety. The

wall fence is an assurance that visually impaired children are safe and free to learn. Thanks Chalice and ICC for partnering with the ministry of Education in the provision of security. God bless you.

Mrs Mwenya, Representative from Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

On behalf of my fellow parents, I am more than happy seeing what Chalice and ICC has done. Construction of the wall fence at St Odilia Special School has brought joy to our hearts. As parents our hearts are settled because we now know our children are safe day and night. Please convey our heartfelt thanks to Chalice, ICC Donors, sponsors and many people who have helped. They are assured of our prayers.

Parish Priest, Fr James Bwalya

What we have seen today is Christ’s mission where friends from afar, thought of our St Odilia special school. God be with you all.

Village Head Man, Kapalaula Johnathan

He started by singing a song in our local language meaning, “Good things come from above, divine wisdom is shown in giving and not receiving. When you give, you receive a double blessing. May the Good Lord give double blessings to Chalice, the ICC team and the children and staff of St Odilia Special School.


The whole community is very happy and truly appreciate all Chalice and ICC does for our people. It was a memorable event that no one will forget. Thanks for your concern and unconditional love. You are such a blessing to the albino and visually impaired children. May God bless you all.

Inverness County Cares (ICC) is a local charitable organization, founded in 2012 and based in Inverness County, NS, Canada. ICC works in partnership with, a Canadian charity, based in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Chalice provides guidance and assistance to help us provide a better life for the children at the Kawambwa schools. The Kawambwa Project involves supporting two schools for albino and visually impaired students, in Northern Zambia. Inverness County Cares always welcomes new members. Individuals who wish to donate, can use the donate button on our website When using E-transfer, please include your mailing address for CRA tax receipts and a thank you message. E-transfer address: [email protected] or send a cheque to Inverness County Cares, 5414 Route 19, Judique, NS, Canada, B0E1P0. Taxation receipts provided for USA and Canada.

I Appreciate Nature

By Promise Mambwe, Grade nine.

I was an eye witness, when the roof blew off the administration block at St Mary’s School in Kawambwa. I was in the next class reading with my friends, when it started raining so very hard and the others ran away. Since I was the one to sweep the class, I told my friends that I would remain so that I can sweep after the rains. When the roof blew off there was huge noise which terrified me. A terrible unknown noise is especially frightening for persons with visual impairment. We cannot see the source and it strikes terror in our hearts. I was so afraid, so I ran but was rescued by our care taker who went to check on us, to see to it that no pupil ran through the rains alone. He picked me and put me on his back and ran at the fastest speed he could.

Many of us were affected greatly by the terror we experienced. After a week the administration called on several different people to talk to us, to ease our stress and anxiety. Out of the many talks, the one I appreciated most was the talk from the Forestry Department where they explained our duty to protect our environment. During our closing mass, our parish priest made a mention of 2023 theme “CARE AND PROTECT MOTHER EARTH OUR COMMON HOME”. He told us that the launching will be in 2023. I reported early and asked the liturgical committee to include me. This past Sunday, St Mary’s Parish launched the diocesan theme and I was excited to be part of this great celebration.

The damage at our school/home was a natural calamity brought about by the changing weather patterns of Global Warming. The only way we can make a difference is by preserving nature. We can help by planting trees, teaching others about proper waste management and respecting the plants which grow in our community. My small contributions can be multiplied millions of times if the citizens of the world are educated about climate change.

I have come to understand and appreciate that, when God created everything, in the book of Genesis, God gave man a responsibility to take care of all that was created. Man is the creature so precious in the eyes of God. I understand the words of Genesis to mean that we must be guardians of our world.

We as children of God should help to nurture our own body and mind and we should also be protectors of our environment. By planting trees, we can show how we treasure the environment we live in. For me it is a way to actually make a difference in our local community and show respect for all that God has created. As a responsible citizen of our planet, I will make a great effort take care of others wholeheartedly and appreciate the good in others. Thank you to Chalice and Inverness County Cares for your tremendous support.

Inverness County Cares (ICC) is a local charitable organization, founded in 2012 and based in Inverness County, NS, Canada. ICC works in partnership with, a Canadian charity, based in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Chalice provides guidance and assistance to help us provide a better life for the children at the Kawambwa schools. The Kawambwa Project involves supporting two schools for albino and visually impaired students, in Northern Zambia. Inverness County Cares always welcomes new members. Individuals who wish to donate, can use the donate button on our website When using E-transfer, please include your mailing address for CRA tax receipts and a thank you message.   E-transfer address:  [email protected] or send a cheque to Inverness County Cares, 5414 Route 19, Judique, NS, Canada, B0E1P0. Taxation receipts provided for USA and Canada.

Disasters at St Mary’s Special School

By: Sr Agnes Bwalya, school administrator

The two severe weather events which happened at St Mary’s Special School have left a great impact on me, (Sr Agnes) the administrator, my staff and the blind children who study and live at our school. I can’t understand how God saved the lives of all our children and staff, for me it is a miracle.

The first time It was around 12:15 hrs on the 24th of September 2022, on Saturday, when strong winds came and blew off the roof. Four pupils were in the dining room arranging plates for lunch. In no time the girls’ dining roof was blown off. Pupils screamed and one male cook ran to rescue them. He then heard another big sound, which meant the boy’s dining hall roof had blown off. Mr. Leonard the cook was confused, but he managed to run with the pupils.

Hooo! Hooo! I saw the roof had blown off!

The second disaster happened on the 18th of November 2022, when we experienced heavy rains with huge hailstones falling and very strong winds. Grade nine pupils were in class studying and myself and three teachers we were busy writing reports. The rains were so heavy that no one could run through it. A strong gust of wind was heard and in a short time light was seen through the office roof. I immediately realized that pupils are studying for their final examinations in the next room. I rushed and others rushed and the pupils were rescued. We were all soaked like anything.

After a good two hours, the rains stopped and we experienced some sunshine. School books and supplies were picked up and put in the library and other classrooms that were not affected. The last room I entered was the grade nine class. I looked in horror and disbelief at their subject notes on special Brailon papers. They were soaked! These notes are written on Brailon or Braille papers which are a bit thick, but when in contact with water or moisture, the embossed dots become flat and cannot be felt using fingers.

Now trouble came, the exams were on the 24th of November. The question was, “How can we replace the reading materials?” The staff and pupils actually cried many tears!!!!  Pupils were disturbed, everyone was speechless. What next?  Teachers organized themselves and made a new time table to coach the pupils. Teachers were working up to 18 hrs a day including Saturdays and Sundays until the end of the examinations. To me it was a clear sign of unconditional Love.

Pupils now are in the different world with the following challenges:

  1. Distance– it is now a challenge for the cooks to carry food from the kitchen and distribute it to children. This means our timetable had to change to accommodate the location of the cafeteria space. Blind children sometimes have their precious food fall off their plate as they walk because they hit into another person. Every meal is confusion with children crying for their fallen food.

2.Sun sensitivity: since the dining hall is unsafe the children must now eat outside in the bright sun. Albino children are sun sensitive as it hurts their eyes and burns their skin because of their lack of melanin.

3.Wind: the wind also affects the children and causes their eyes to cry because of the sun and dust blowing in the courtyard. Their tears fall uncontrollably, which was very painful, unhygienic and very disturbing… these poor innocent souls.

4.Mobility issues: Children with additional disabilities suffer much because they require more assistance. The working staff rota had to be changed because more help was needed to assist those with additional mobility needs.

  1.  Rains- The rains which started in the month of October make the whole situation much more serious. If someone is near, looking at this situation their tears will be flowing as they see blind children looking for a place to put her/his plate full of food, or witnessing the falling of the food off the plate!

A Student by the name of Gershom Mwansa, a grade nine pupil was saved as an iron sheet flew through the air. He fell down and the iron sheet flew over him. He could not sleep well for weeks because of nightmares. We ended up asking for one teacher to keep him at her home for some days until he felt more secure and confident.

All of us are grateful that no life was lost. As administration, we even asked for a blessing from our priest. Really it has been days of mediation. All staff and children praise the greatness of God’s love and mercy for sparing the children from death or injury.

The situation where the students must eat outside is a huge challenge. Our solution is to increase the number of staff on duty and to extend the working hours even on weekends. Caregivers or house parents are working day and night and teachers on duty for many extra hours. The situation is not ok.

[Note: It is important to remember these events happened at a school for the blind, where storms of this magnitude would be especially terrifying.]

Today the class has no braille text books for pupils or teachers. How will learning and teaching take place in 2023? Our situation is very grave.

Asking and begging for people with good will to come to our aid.

Come and be my security in this difficult moment, I am looking for a solution so that the situation can come back to normal. God bless our supporters at Chalice and Inverness County Cares. We appreciate everything you do for us.

Inverness County Cares (ICC) is a local charitable organization, founded in 2012 and based in Inverness County, NS, Canada. ICC works in partnership with, a Canadian charity, based in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Chalice provides guidance and assistance to help us provide a better life for the children at the Kawambwa schools. The Kawambwa Project involves supporting two schools for albino and visually impaired students, in Northern Zambia. Inverness County Cares always welcomes new members. Individuals who wish to donate, can use the donate button on our website When using E-transfer, please include your mailing address for CRA tax receipts and a thank you message.   E-transfer address:  [email protected] or send a cheque to Inverness County Cares, 5414 Route 19, Judique, NS, Canada, B0E1P0. Taxation receipts provided for USA and Canada.

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