Inverness County Cares

Partners in Development

2016-17 Progress

St Charles Lwanga School (SCL) progress facilitated by Inverness County Cares (ICC) and Chalice during 2016-17

  • SCL received a monthly budget to cover simple and healthy food and nutrition for the students.
  • ICC reached its $60,000 fundraising goal, which was matched by Chalice Canada.
  • ICC member, Betty Jane Cameron, a nurse/midwife and music teacher, spent six weeks at SCL mentoring, teaching music and organizing ground work for a school safety policy.
  • ICC member, Rev. Duncan MacIsaac, then parish priest in Inverness and Broad Cove, spent ten days at SCL, celebrating Eucharist with staff and students as well as counseling and mentoring.
  • While in Kenya, Betty Jane and Fr. Duncan participated in a school evaluation day with representatives of Chalice and SCL with a vision of future development.
  • ICC and Chalice contributed to the funeral expenses student of Stanley Wanjala, who died in March 2017.
  • Forty-three students graduated from SCL and three merited scholarships to continue with university studies.
  • ICC requested and received a formal Child Protection Policy from the SCL administration.
  • ICC continued to work co-cooperatively with students at Dalbrae Academy who fund-raised for SCL
  • ICC and Chalice representatives met twice to plan and develop our partnership to best help SCL.
  • Much needed new toilets and wash areas were built at SCL and the older ones upgraded.
  • ICC and Chalice budgeted $1500 to have preliminary planning drafted on developing a new space and rural school for the SCL students.
  • ICC, outside our regular fundraising, solicited sufficient funding to purchase five acres of land. The new school property of ten acres will cost of $30,000.
  • ICC members and associates provided scholarships to SCL graduates for further studies.
  • ICC and Chalice continued to fund infirmary medications, school uniforms and supplies including textbooks, pens and pencils, lab supplies and fees associated with internet and telephone access.
  • ICC has developed its own website ( as well as the SCL website (, keeping both current on a monthly basis.
  • Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga built a new chapel for the SCL students.

Inverness County Cares and Chalice Meeting

Inverness County Cares members and Chalice. Back row left to rt Peter Gordon, John Gillies, Charlotte Rankin, Ted Van Zutphen, Fr. Duncan MacIsaac, Sehne Connel, Fr Pat Cosgrove. Front: Colleen MacLeod, Hermina Van Zutphen, Jenna LeBlanc, Betty Jane Cameron, Mary Anne MacKinnon, John MacInnis.

Tuesday October 24th, a group of Inverness County Cares members traveled to Halifax to meet with Chalice to discuss their partnership through which support is provided to the St Charles Lwanga School in Ruai, Nairobi.

Thank you to the Marthas.

Friday Evening October 20th, a number of Inverness County Cares members traveled to Bethany, the motherhouse of the Sisters of Saint Martha in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. They brought with them a number of talented performers who put on a concert for the sisters in appreciation of the Sisters’ donation to the St Charles Lwanga Secondary School in Ruai, Nairobi, Kenya. It was a lovely evening where ICC members were able to convey to the sisters their gratitude for their generous donation. The evening started with a presentation by Betty Jane Cameron and Colleen MacLeod updating the sisters on the events at the school over the past year. The sisters viewed a thank you video made by Vyulence Kagea and Claire Whitney, two students from St Charles Lwanga School. The concert followed with performances by Sarah MacInnis, Ben and Harvey Van Zutphen, John Donald Cameron, Cathy Hawley and Ian Cameron. Fr. Duncan MacIsaac also gave a short inspirational talk about his experiences at the St Charles Lwanga School. Tea and snacks were served by the Marthas as all took advantage of the opportunity to exchange stories and chat.

For best viewing of slide show click on picture, then advance by arrows on the side.

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St Charles Lwanga School Daily Schedule

St Charles Lwanga Secondary School (SCLSS) and Children’s Centre is located in Ruai, Nairobi, Kenya. It is a residential school for orphans, children from families who do not have the means to send them to school and street children. The school is situated on approximately half an acre and has 280 students. Daily life at SCLSS is very organized and all students are responsible for the daily upkeep and cleaning of the school. They are supported by Inverness County Cares and Chalice Canada.

Students and staff are up at 4:30 AM when they wash and dress. Whole school prayers are held from 5:00 -5:30 and after prayers the students wash dishes, clean latrines and dorms, collect garbage and do chores that keep the school clean and efficient.

At 6:00 they line up for breakfast of maize porridge. They dress, shine shoes and go to study hall at 7:00 with classes beginning at 8:00 except on Monday and Friday when they all gather for the whole school assembly where school issues are dealt with. Classes run from 8-1 with a 20-minute break with a snack of Mandazi, a Kenyan sweet similar to doughnuts. The teacher lectures and students copy and memorize notes for exams, as there are very few textbooks available. The students sit in very crowded hot corrugated metal classrooms, 3-4 to a desk and when someone needs to exit they have to climb over all the desks to reach the door. 1:00 to 1:30 is lunch of mixed beans, maize (corn) and lots of ugali (thick maize porridge). During times of food shortages they eat the same menu every day. 1:30-4:00 classes are held as well as group discussions and individual study.

4:00-5:00 is activity time, debating, sports, agriculture, music-club (voice and individual instrument instruction). Between 5-6 is personal time, laundry, personal ablutions, hanging out with friends or more music lessons.

6-6:30 is supper time with same menu as noon. The school gathers for prayers with a great deal of singing from 6:30-7:00. Students study and review their lessons from 7:30-9:30. After this they have free time from 9:00-10:00 which they spend planning activities and preparing for next day. Bedtime is at 10:00

This busy schedule keeps the students meaningfully engaged and develops a strong work ethic.

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