St Charles Lwanga Secondary School is located near Nairobi, Kenya. Its mission is to provide an education and a home for abandoned street children, orphans or those too poor to pay school tuition. Since 2012 Inverness County Cares has been providing support and the necessities of life for these children, as they complete their secondary education. In 2015, ICC joined with Chalice, Canada, to support the school. Together they have provided the school with a more nutritious diet, improved classrooms facilities and better living accommodations. After four full years of support the results are evident. All 43, of the 2016 graduating class passed their exams and three outstanding graduates (see below) have been awarded a prestigious government scholarship to study in a Kenyan university.
Nancy Morena’s mother was a single parent, who struggled daily in the Kibera slum to provide for her family. Now Nancy aspires to be a lawyer and work on human rights issues. She wants to be the voice of the helpless especially those women and girls who are abused.
Martin Mungai was raised by his grandmother and endured abject poverty. He is grateful for the chance to join the public university and plans to study hard and bring help to his community.
Catherine Agufana came from Kibera, the largest slum in Africa. In 2009 her father lost his job when a work accident took one of his hands. Some days the family would go without food. When she graduates, she will work toward helping her community.
Attending University is an unbelievable opportunity for these students. Sadly most St Charles Lwanga graduates are not able to attain any post secondary education, due to lack of money for tuition, unless they receive a scholarship or they acquire a sponsor.
Our website provides the full story on each student see Autobiographies on