Partners in Development

Author: Inverness County Cares

Backyard Lobster Fundraiser for St Charles Lwanga School

Originally posted 06/30/2016

Saturday June 25th Inverness County Cares (ICC) held a community lobster dinner in aid of The St Charles Lwanga Children’s Center and Secondary School. The event was held at the home of Flo and Tony Campbell of Judique. Approximately forty-five guests were treated to a lovely lobster meal as they enjoyed live music and lovely weather in the Campbell’s beautiful backyard. We want to thank the terrific musicians who donated their time and talent; Mike MacInnis, Abby Mullendore and Rafi. Mary Anne McKinnon Senior International Manager of Chalice spoke and gave a brief account of the project partnership between Chalice, St Charles Lwanga School and Inverness County Cares. Guests also had the opportunity to view a presentation telling about the St Charles Lwanga School.

We at ICC wish to thank the people who contributed to the success of the dinner and express our gratitude for the strong support of our local community for the St Charles Lwanga School.

Beverage Bottle and Can Recycle Project

Originally posted  02/05/2016

Ted Van Zutphen has initiated and continues to manage our recycle collection program. Ted has parked a large truck at the end of his lane and he has also parked another large box truck at the Freshmart in Mabou. Ted manages the collection in Port Hood and Raymond De Bont looks after the recycle program at the Mabou location.  Due to the generosity of our local people the trucks fill quickly. We thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness.

Thank you very much  to Ted and Raymond. This project generates  significant revenue for our project.

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