Inverness County Cares (ICC) is a community organization based in Inverness County, NS. ICC has supported The St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School and Children’s Center (Lwanga School) in Kenya, since 2012. ICC provides $60,000 a year and Chalice Canada matches with $60,000. The goal of the Lwanga School is to create a safe and healthy learning environment for orphans and street children. Through Chalice’s Community Project Program (CPP), ICC and Chalice provide basic amenities such as nutrition, clothing, uniforms, bedding, personal hygiene products, immunizations, basic health care, school fees, books, laboratory equipment, teachers’ guides, teaching materials and other classroom resources.
This year two sewing machines were provided along with 8 new (outdoor) toilet stalls and a urinal were constructed to alleviate the line-ups caused by only 4 toilet stalls for 280 people. Basic Internet service, maintenance and insurance for the van (bought with last budget), examination fees, medicines and emergency medical fees were also included. The CPP provides salaries for an accountant, administrator, principal, vice principal, cook, night watchman and a nurse.
The budget is prepared a year in advance in cooperation with ICC, Chalice and the Lwanga School. The staff and administration of the school outline the needs of the school and all parties work out a one-year budget, which is very strictly followed. The school must submit a financial report each quarter, as to how the budgeted money is spent, including a statement of expenses, bank statement, exchange slips and receipts for all expenditures. A narrative progress report must be submitted for each quarter, including photographs visually outlining the expenditures and at the end of each year an annual report will be submitted. Any substantial changes to the approved CPP must have prior written approval from Chalice Canada.
For more information.

#1: Betty Jane Cameron with St Charles Lwanga students, #2: St Charles Lwanga students, #3: Wash up time, #4:Students, #5: students digging a latrine pit for the school.